Friday, October 16, 2015


Hello friends! What have you been up to this week?

I’ve been busy cleaning up the house quite a bit, and reading! This past week I’ve read 3 books, all of them good, all of them reviewed on my Goodreads account. Give it a peek if you want to know what I’ve been up to, or tune in next week for a post!

Other than that, I’ve been busy making those lattes everyone seems to love, and starting my prep for Nanowrimo. I’ve also been playing the South Park: Stick of Truth game, and watching a ton of ghost adventures. This week has basically been me living the life of a teenage boy. Beautiful, and with a lot less facial hair in strange places. Hooray

------------------------Anyway, on to links!!------------------------

I always find cooking mistakes hilarious. This article is no exception.

 This is currently my inspiration for decorating my cozy little apartment.

I love this piece on zombies. A neat take on a tired topic...

I love Austin Kleon, and his advice is always fantasic.

A treat for you - 100 studio ghibli wallpapers and backgrounds. 

And another treat - fun prompts for when you're feeling creatively drained. 

I'm going to try making these sometime this week, and speaking of food - send this to anyone who says dinner parties can't be cheap.

Cat costumes - IMPORTANT

I love the idea of patching old clothes in beautiful ways. 

This interview with Eric Carle - the author of the Very Hungry Caterpillar is so great. 

I don’t recognize childhood obesity. No one should. I see children doing what they like, which is eating, and doing it without the shame or remorse later drilled into them by Judeo-Christian ethics.
Your weekly art history funnies. And a bit more, because.

Also important - the ultimate weapon.

I'm going to be trying this in the next few weeks...

And finally, something everyone should read this week.

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