Friday, October 2, 2015


Hello again friends! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I spent the week forcing myself to stay in a bit more - I get restless when fall comes around and end up flying uselessly all over the place. On the plus side, I’ve got a lot of things planned and a lot of things on the go. I also went to see Kate Beaton launch her new book this week - such a positive and endearing girl! I’m forever a fan. I also signed up for Skillshare, and am taking a few little classes to pick up some new skills. Are you on skillshare? We should be friends! Here’s my account! 

Anyways, on with the links!! 
Let's start the week off good by all doing more of this

I love this writing piece

This 104 year old lady helped yarn bomb a bunch of towns - my new hero! 

My next vacation is going to happen here.

This makes me so happy and angry all at once. You go, girl!
“I'm black, I'm plus-size, and I'm a woman — that's a triple negative in fitness: I'm the antichrist," she said, jokingly.
These images take my breath away. 

Living in french Canada, I've been wondering the difference between 'bread' and 'brioche'. Now you can learn AND eat some!

Let's all learn about and celebrate these genius women (and men!)

As if we needed another reason to love the man behind Lemony Snicket

I love these posts - making art history hilarious.

A really thoughtful piece on happiness.

Everyone should listen to this with me. 

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